

Vegetables are very healthy and are great four our bodies. They contain antioxidants and many other disease fighting compounds that cannot be consumed from anything else. Vegetables have plant chemicals called phytochemicals that reduce inflammation and destroy carcinogens while cells reproduce. Vegetables can lower the chance of strokes, cancers, and many other diseases.
Many do not know that vegetables are better for our bodies than fruits. Fruits are a source of fructose, which is a type of sugar that is harmful to our health. Healthy people can eat some fruit without any problems, but those who have insulin resistance should only have a limited amount of fruit. Many do not know if they have insulin resistance. If a person has diabetes, high blood pressure, are overweight, have high cholesterol or cancer, they most likely have insulin resistance. Those with insulin resistance should limit their grams of fructose from fruit to below 15 grams per day.
Those who are into carbs should juice their vegetables. Those who are into proteins should only juice celery, spinach, asparagus, string beans, and cauliflower. Protein types should blend a source of raw fat with their juice, such as raw eggs, avocado, or raw cream.

Raw Foods

Raw Foods

The human body is made up of many enzymes. Our bodies need enzymes to digest food, taste, walk and other activities. Raw foods give our bodies the proper enzymes to function. Cooking meats and vegetables, especially at high temperature, destroys the enzymes.
Cooking meats and vegetables changes the nutrients and enzymes. Many of the valuable enzymes the body needs are lost in this process. Cooking these foods at higher temperatures can also create toxic substances that can cause accelerated aging, weight gain and disease. Some of the worst foods to consume are processed foods, which include candy and white flour. People who switch to eating raw foods can become visibly younger and rid themselves of diseases.
People who have eaten too many processed and cooked foods for most of their lives may need enzyme supplements to help their bodies digest and absorb the nutrients in their food.



The human body is 70% water. Water is something we need to drink every day. Many do not know how much water they should consume each day. It’s quite simple to figure out how much water to consume daily, just divide your weight by 2. Dehydration can cause issues with many organs and body parts. Tests have shown that not drinking enough water can cause the brain to work slowly. Water can give the body more energy and the ability to move easily. Water can heal and prevent arthritis and many other diseases. It can also prevent and heal back pain, and can eliminate heart burn. Drinking too much water can lead to illness or death. Water is vital for our bodies to function and stay healthy.

Heroin and LSD

Heroin and LSD

Heroin is a highly addictive drug produced from a certain variety of poppy plants. Heroin is smoked and snorted, and can be sticky or hard. Impure heroin is usually dissolved, diluted, and injected into veins, muscles, or under the skin. Many buy heroin because it’s cheaper and easy to obtain. Heroin can cause lung complications and many diseases. Heroin addicts who do not consume enough tend to get ill.
LSD is a strong mood-changing chemical. LSD is sold as a small tablet, capsule, and gelatin square. It also can be sold in liquid form. LSD can also be called a Hallucinogen. Hallucinogens cause hallucinations, which cause images, sounds, and feelings that seem real but are not. LSD can also produce unpredictable changes in mood. LSD addicts are sent on a scary trip that they cannot control.

Crystal Meth

Crystal Meth

Crystal meth is another drug that’s addicting and harms the body. Crystal meth is short for crystal methamphetamine. People take methamphetamine by snorting it, smoking it or injecting it with a needle. This drug creates a false happiness and hyperactivity. Methamphetamine causes serious health conditions like memory loss, aggression, psychotic behavior and heart and brain damage. Decreased appetite is another symptom that a meth user experiences. Many meth addicts have lost their families and friends and ended up homeless.



Painkillers are powerful drugs that, like all drugs, are addicting. These drugs, called opioids, interfere with the nervous system’s transmission of the nerve signals that cause pain. They block the pain, and produce a “high.” Opioids are the most powerful prescription painkillers. Oxycodone, hydrocodone, meperidine, hydromorphone and propoxyphene are the most abused opioid painkillers. After a month of painkiller use, the body becomes ill when it does not have painkillers. This causes the body to need more painkillers more frequently. Painkillers do take away pain, but they become addictive quickly, which destroys lives. Doctors should be more careful about prescribing theses addictive drugs. They should only be used when a person is terminally ill.



Like drinking and smoking, marijuana also harms the human body. It’s a habit that can ruin lives, and can lead to trouble with the law.
Trying marijuana just once can lead to an addiction. Many kids started smoking marijuana when they were only 13 or 14. The addictive chemical in marijuana is known as “THC.” After smoking marijuana once, it can become a daily routine. An addiction to marijuana can lead to an addiction to many other dangerous drugs.
People’s lives have been ruined by starting to smoke marijuana. Kids have been kicked out of school and couldn’t go to college because of it. People have been arrested, and have died from too much marijuana use. Marijuana may seem fun, but in reality it ruins lives.

Cell Phones

Cell Phones

Did you know that cell phones can be dangerous? They can cause diseases and cancers along with other life threatening conditions. They can also cause eye problems such as blurry vision.
Cell phones have a type of Electromagnetic field known as ELF (Extremely Low Frequency). ELF causes DNA to break down. Once the magnetic fields reach human cells, the cells react with a stress response. This can cause Leukemia, Alzheimer’s disease, Breast cancer, Diabetes, and Cardiovascular disease. These dangers steadily increase the longer a person is exposed to ELF’s. Brain tumors tend to take 10 to 30 years to develop from cell phone exposure.
There are ways to prevent these dangers. Wearing head phones can help prevent too much exposure to ELF’s. The easiest way is to not use a cell phone so often.



Smoking can cause many health issues and concerns. Over 480,000 die because of illness related to tobacco use each year. Smoking is the most dangerous habit.
Smoking can cause serious forms of cancer. Lung cancer causes the most deaths, but cancer of the mouth, larynx, pharynx, esophagus, kidney, cervix, liver, bladder, pancreas, stomach, colon, rectum, and myeloid leukemia can be related to tobacco use as well. Men who smoke lose a total of 4.4 years of their life, and women lose 2.4 years of their life. Cancer can also cause other diseases such as heart disease and many more. There have been reports that 1,000 kids under 18 become smokers every day. This is a troubling number.
Before quitting smoking, try to start a nutritional diet. Starting a healthy diet before attempting to quit smoking helps people to not develop the other bad eating habits that can come along with trying to quit this awful habit. In general, the easiest way to quit is to never start smoking.



Many suffer from Alcohol addiction, which is a terrible habit. Alcohol can change you and your life, but not in a good way. People have shared information that men who drink alcohol have a lower chance of heart disease. I find this to be an excuse to drink.
Drinking heavily can cause severe damage to organs and can lead to early death. Excessive drinking can cause cancer of the mouth, larynx, esophagus, liver, colon, breast, pancreas, and lungs. Alcohol can also lead to brain damage. People who drink too much lose the ability to concentrate and focus. Drinking can cause others to get hurt. Many deaths have occurred because of drinking while driving. Having drinks of alcohol while pregnant can cause severe damage to the unborn child.
It’s not worth it to drink because it can ruin your life and others lives too. Some may say alcohol makes them feel good, but it only makes people feel uneasy and increases the chance of disease