Ramses the Second

Ramses the Second

King Ramses the second, also known as Ramses the Great, became Pharaoh in his early twenties. He was the third ruler during the 19th Dynasty. Ramses the second ruled for 67 years. He had the second longest reign of the ancient Pharaohs.
Ramses the Great earned his name by accomplishing more than any Pharaoh before him. He’s best known for his architecture. He had more monuments than any other Pharaoh. Ramses was also a great warrior. He had many victories against the Hittites in war. He was well known for his military strength. The people of Egypt even worshiped Ramses as a god.
Ramses was buried in the Valley of Kings, but had to be moved because of looters. His tomb was moved near Deir el-Bahri. His body was discovered in 1881, and was moved to Cairo’s Egyptian Museum. Some say Ramses was the Pharaoh who ruled during the Exodus, but no one is quite sure.
Ramses the second left such a great legacy that at least nine other Pharaohs were named after him. No other Pharaoh before or after has such lasting accomplishments. He was truly one of the greatest Pharaohs in ancient history.

My Favorite Time of Year

My Favorite Time of Year

My favorite time of year is December. December is in the winter, which is the best season. Christmas falls during this time of year. Christmas is my favorite holiday, and it is the most recognized day of the year.
The weather during this time of year is fantastic. There is a lot of snow in the winter, and it is beautiful. I enjoy playing in the snow with my family. I like the cold weather because I enjoy sitting by the fire place drinking hot chocolate. The temperature can even hit below freezing!
My family does many fun activities this time of year. My Dad, brother, and I put up Christmas decorations outside, while my mom puts decorations inside. My family and I buy a Christmas tree every year and we decorate it. We build ginger bread houses, open presents, and watch Christmas movies. We all celebrate Jesus’s Birthday, and we thank God for sending Jesus, His one and only Son, into this world to die for our sins.

God’s Sovereignty

God’s Sovereignty

God always has a plan even through tough times. God always works things out for our own good if we believe in Him. God’s sovereignty determines our future. The way God works can be confusing, but we always know that it will end well.
Joseph was his father’s favorite son. Jacob treated Joseph much better than his brothers, which made them very jealous of him. His brothers sold Joseph as a slave, and he was taken to Egypt. He was thrown in jail, because someone lied about him. In jail he interpreted two prisoner’s dreams, and both of them came true. Joseph was asked to interpret Pharaoh’s dream. He warned of a coming famine. Joseph was then given a high position under Pharaoh and became a powerful man. As Joseph told his brothers, “You meant it for evil, but God meant it for good.”
God gave us the bible to learn more about sovereignty and how powerful He is. When I was three years old, I got very sick. The doctors told my parents my illness was life threatening. God healed me and restored my health. I know he has great plans for me. As Hebrews 8:28 states, “But we do know “all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

Fly Fishing

Fly Fishing

Lately, I have been interested in fly fishing. It’s enjoyable and can last for a decent amount of time. Fly fishing can be difficult, but that makes it more entertaining. I can put many hours into fly fishing.
Fly fishing in beautiful weather, and in a wide, well running stream is the best. I love fishing in cool weather because I don’t get overheated, and the cool breeze makes me feel comfortable. The sound of running water and the satisfaction of catching a fish makes me feel good. Unlike normal fishing, catching a fish with a fly rod is quite difficult.
Fly fishing is a great experience. If it were easy, it would get boring, but since it’s hard, it makes it a lot more fun. Fly fishing takes a lot of patience, but it is a very enjoyable hobby.

God’s Revelation

God’s Revelation

The ways that I see God’s general revelations in the world around me is in His gracefulness. He gave me a loving family, and He sent His one and only Son to die on the cross for my sins. He forgives me for all the sinful things I do. He is a very graceful and loving God.
The ancient civilizations turned their backs and ignored God. God left them with their sins, and let them do what they wanted. They worshiped idols, animals, and man. They sacrificed people over a game, and they came up with new ways to sin. They never turned away from sin, they lived in their sin.
I respond differently than the ancient civilizations that ignored God. Idols, animals, and man are nothing compared to God. I would never turn my back and ignore God. He has given me so much and it’s time that I thank Him. Those who abandon God are wicked and will be punished.

My Trip to Pine Top Arizona

My Trip to Pine Top Arizona

My family and I decided to go to the White Mountains in Pine Top Arizona. We packed, loaded the car and left. We drove 19 hours, and finally arrived.
The cabin was very small and crowded. It was so small that my brother and I had to sleep on the floor with my dog. Around the cabin were many more cabins and beautiful pine trees. Everyday my brother and I took our dog on a walk. The weather was so nice, and I love the smell of the pine trees. My Dad, brother, and I went fishing at a place called; Sheep’s Crossing, where there are many trees and a wide stream. The first day we hiked all around the stream, and we did not catch many fish. We went back the next day and the stream had been stocked with trout. We all caught so many fish and had a lot of fun.
The third day, we went with a guide on a fly fishing tour. She taught us how to fly fish. It was fun at first, but after a while, it got boring because I didn’t catch any fish. I was tired of fishing, so I didn’t go back to Sheep’s Crossing with my Dad and brother the next day. After that day, we were all done fishing so we decided to go home a day early. We left the cabin early the next morning. After a long drive, we were happy to be home. We all missed the cabin, but we knew we would go back.



My favorite part of the world tour so far is Greece. Greece is an interesting place. Their stories are very odd, but are very entertaining. Greece was the first European civilization. A culture called the Minoans was the first European civilization. The Minoans were farmers, potters, and metalworkers. They made fancy pots and other sculptures.
The Minoans were laid back; they did not have many defenses. Another culture called the Mycenaean overthrew the Minoans and took their land. Unlike the Minoans, the Mycenaean built their cities designed for defenses. Their architecture was amazing, they built high large buildings.



The Railway Children is about a family whose Father has been taken away. The family, who was rich when they lived with their father, must move to a poor place in the country of England called, The Three Chimneys. This was a fantastic story. E. Nesbit is a good writer. This story was full of eye opening experiences that made me wonder what would happen on the next page or chapter.
Peter, the only boy, wanted to be like his father. Peter was brave, but he was a trouble maker too. Bobbie (Rebecca) was the oldest, and acted a lot like her Mother. Bobbie always wanted to help her Mother through the time their Father was away. Phyllis, the youngest child, liked to follow her brother and sister everywhere. She also wanted to help her mother, but was still too young. The Mother was a busy lady after their Father went away. She had to balance her kids and her writing and that was difficult. The Father loved his children, but was taken away for a crime he did not commit.
The children had adventures on the railway. They, like their mother, enjoyed helping people in need. The children and their Mother took care of a Russian man who was separated from his family; the kids helped him find his wife and children. The three children saved many passengers when they saved the train from a crash. They also helped a boy with a broken leg back to The Three Chimneys, so their Mother could nurse him. They made many friends from these good deeds. In the end, their Father was released because they found the real criminal. Their father returned home and they were grateful.